The future of planning
"We are bringing about too many changes functioning in isolation"
The UK chief strategy officer at VMLY&R says a brand's sum of activities is greater than its individual parts
24 October 2022
Advertising, and therefore planning, has always been about bringing about change. In perceptions, behaviour, habits and of course, business fortunes. The planner’s responsibility is to architect this chain reaction.
Makes sense. Sounds simple. But as is human nature, we often overlook the simple truths and get distracted by complicated or complicating footnotes. Somewhere between taking our role for granted and getting excited about solutions before we understand the problem, we are bringing about too many changes functioning in isolation. Changes disconnected from a core thought or goal to be achieved. A generalisation, sure, there is still outstanding work being made, but the overall trend is undeniable: more fragmentation, less focus and a general feeling of stuff just not adding up.
So, how can we reinvigorate and supercharge our status as change-makers for the good of brands, humans and humankind?
By creating better connections. Connecting to the right problems and business opportunities, connecting to the right people and cultural moments, connecting the right tension to the right truth, connecting engagement to conversion. Connecting conversion to growth. A brand connected to these truths is a stronger brand. A more resilient brand. And a more creative brand.
So the role of planning must be to ensure that these connections are made and protected and that, at the end of the day, a brand’s sum of activities is greater than its individual parts.
Anna Vogt is UK chief strategy officer at VMLY&R