My Creative Life
McCann's Regan Warner on exercise, expletives and emotional support powering her creativity
The ECD shares how her yoga practice, GFDA's brand principles and partner keep her fire alight
17 May 2023
Yoga: Practice and Influence
I love Yoga, but possibly the yoga community more. I’ve been doing yoga for over 20 years and it’s my grounding force. The morning ‘me time’ that clears my mind before the crazy of the day begins. Becoming an influencer was just me doing exactly what I loved, yoga. Working with brands was an extension of my day job but what I didn’t realise was the deep bonds of the community I became part of. I call them my digital pen-pals, virtual relationships with people that perhaps I’d never meet in the ‘real’. These like-minded individuals (i.e. yogis) are all different and from all over the world but we are forever connected by this shared interest. This practice on the mat and on the square creates space for a different type of creativity which makes me a better creative overall.
Brand: GFDA @gfda.co
This brand was created by a creative and a strategist, Brian (Buirge) and Jason (Bacher), trying to make basic design principles impossible to forget. They have expanded well beyond design principles, the advice is universally relevant but especially for the creative industry - 'Show some fucking passion, It takes fucking talent tenacity, Learn to take some fucking criticism.'
Oh did I forget to mention? They use the word fucking in EVERYTHING. Each pearl of wisdom is followed up with an in-depth explanation and if you so desire, is available as art. They have become the voice in my head that I can’t and don’t want to ignore.
Chad: My Tall one
I have been told my life is like a romantic comedy. That is probably true, I met my husband, Chad, in high school and even when we were pulled apart, the universe kept creating meet-cutes ensuring we became a pair. (romance part) Cut to 30 years later and he still makes me laugh. (comedy part) He’s a creative and, as you can imagine, we have in-depth conversations…ok, mostly debates about art, design, advertising and tech.
We fuel each other’s creativity on a daily basis. ‘Did you see this?’ is our most frequent text to one another. He’s also my biggest cheerleader and without his support and wisdom (don’t tell him I said that), I couldn’t be the creative leader I am today.