pot noodle, adam&eveDDB, slurp

cannes lions 2024

Audio & Radio Lions: Cannes 2024 Decoded

Golin London wins Grand Prix, with Silvers handed to VML London and adam&eveDDB

By Creative Salon

Golin London struck a positive note for UK agencies in one of the first categories to declare, having been awarded the Grand Prix, a Gold Lion and a Silver for its 'The Misheard Version' campaign for Specsavers.

There was further British success in the Audio & Radio category with both VML London and adam&eveDDB also securing Silver Lions.

VML London won for its 'Sound Scales' campaign for Baileys, which was created in association with VML New York. Adam&eveDDB won for 'Sorry for Slurping' for Unilever's Pot Noodle.

There were a total of 23 Lions awarded in this category with four Golds, six Silvers and 12 Bronzes handed out, on top of the Grand Prix.

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