woman holds a mug which reads "like a boss'

Leading Through Change

The EMEA CEO and chief transformation officer for Weber Shandwick offers his personal take on how execs move forward during a period of upheaval

By Michael Frohlich

2025 is proving to be another year of extraordinary change in our industry and the world. Arguably, the biggest year we’ve ever experienced. While I’m not going to give any views on those changes, having been through some significant agency and client shake ups I wanted to share some learnings about leadership through change.

I don’t know the answers, and my thoughts aren’t necessarily derived from what I actually did myself. But reflections and hindsight are wonderful gifts.

As I wander around the industry, the question I’m always asked is how did I drive the one Ogilvy change that brought 13 different businesses together into a single agency structure. What people really want to know is how do you ‘transform’ a business. Oddly no one asks if any of it was a success or not - maybe the answer is in the non-question!

Over the last decade I’ve led through three client, agency and network changes. All of them very different, all very rewarding, and all with different challenges. However, the leadership through them was similar and evolved over time.

So, what’s the one piece of advice I have for you: Be pragmatic, not dogmatic.

When you are on the side-lines of a change programme, it’s very easy to be hard-line about your convictions and views. It’s easy to criticise and dissect every decision.

But when you’re sitting in the seat, you can’t afford to be singular. Having only one route is not a plan. Nothing is linear and things rarely go as planned.

Having a vision, a destination, a clear strategy is key to bringing your people with you. Having an air of dogma around these is good, it shows conviction and passion.

However, pragmatism must play a huge part. Because the only way to lead through change is with huge buckets of empathy. Listen, hear, debate, discuss, stress test everything and if it still is the wrong action, you will have the confidence that it was a decision well informed and considered. And did I say listen, listen and listen.

If you’re truly empathetic, you retain your humanity. That might sound esoteric, but it’s a truth most people value and admire. Simply put, treat people (employees and clients) how you want to be treated. Our jobs are what we do, but having integrity, respect, kindness, values is who we are. It’s easy to forget this. In the pressurised moment of trying to change and transform, with a deadline looming and a number to hit, with stakeholders shouting from the side-lines, humanity can sometimes become secondary. And what might seem harsh in a moment, might actually be motivated by kindness.

Very early in my career I had to exit an employee from their role. After nearly an hour of an excruciating round-the-houses conversation and many tears, I realised that ‘pulling the plaster off quickly’ is the only way to go. It’s respectful of everyone involved.

However, a curve ball to this is cultural nuance. Having worked internationally for many years, I’ve seen that differences in employment law, financial governance, client expectations and investment levels have a massive impact on how different geographies interpret fairness, values and integrity.Two countries separated by a common language’ springs to mind.

And importantly know what you can control and know what you can’t. If you can’t control it, don’t fret over it, it’ll just distract you and get you knotted up in doubts, fears and unknowns.  Do what’s in front of you and live to fight another day. If you’re paralysed by decision making, then nothing will progress or be achieved.

On a more positive note, driving innovation and winning at the same pace as change will drive positive momentum. Syncing the pace of positive progress with transformational change balances out tension and galvanises people and clients.

Change is hard, change is good, but change isn’t for everyone. Change triggers uncertainty and the unknown, which makes people feel vulnerable and out of control. Our brains are wired to seek comfort and stability, so when things change, it can trigger anxiety or fear. So as a leader, remember that you might know everything, but your team do not – share what you can, be as open and as transparent as you can. And if you’re one of that team going through change, remember: you have control over what you do next. If change isn’t for you, go do something else. However also remember there can be great opportunity in the unknown.

As I wrote at the top, I didn’t always follow this advice (before some of my ‘fans’ remind me); I have fallen foul to the shouting side-lines and in the darker days let the tail wag the dog. But learning from what’s come before helps you build your gut and hold on to what’s important – your integrity and values. And after nearly 10 years of leading through change, with many successes and mistakes, it’s a little easier to reflect and separate the good from the bad and grow a very thick skin. Good luck to everyone facing the challenge of change this year.

Michael Frohlich is the EMEA CEO and chief transformation officer for Weber Shandwick


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