rothko national gallery of art 3

my creative life

Colour, sensory overload and immersive stories: Camille Yin's inspirations

From Rothko paintings to the vistas of the Amalfi Coast, Accenture Song's head of brand design shares the places and artists that influence her creative approach

By Camille Yin

Rothko's Influence

The first time I encountered a Rothko painting in person, I was moved to tears. His masterful use of colour transcends simple visual appeal, tapping into the rawest of human emotions. The colours aren't just seen; they're felt, creating a profound connection between the artwork and the viewer. This emotional impact of colour profoundly influences my approach to brand design. In my work, I strive to evoke similar emotions and connections, using colour to communicate and resonate deeply with the audience. Rothko’s work is a constant reminder that simplicity and depth can coexist.

My second home, Amalfi Coast

Visiting the Amalfi Coast offers a sensory overload unlike any other. It's not just the stunning vistas; it's the amalgamation of smells, the relaxed pace of life, the exquisite food, and the varied textures and materials found everywhere. Each aspect of Amalfi—from the rustic ceramics to the light blue sea—feeds into a broader palette of textures and colours that influence my approach to creating diverse and engaging brands.

Music by The Blaze

The Blaze stands out not just for their unique sound but for how inherently visual their music is. Each track is accompanied by a music video that's more akin to a short film, rich in narrative and stunning visuals. This approach to music production, where audio and visual elements are so tightly interwoven, greatly inspires my work in brand design. It challenges me to think of immersive, cohesive stories that can emotionally engage the audience on multiple levels. 


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