
adam&eveDDB backs frontline workers with Hopeline19 phone service

With two in five frontline staff suffering with PTSD as a result of the pandemic the charity Frontline19, which offers support for NHS and frontline workers, is launching a push

By creative salon

At the heart of the campaign, created by adam&eveddb, is a free phone service called Hopeline19, which allows people to leave messages of support that will provide a boost for frontline workers when they are feeling vulnerable and traumatised.

An accompanying film, directed by Novemba through Academy in collaboration with PTSD specialists, will raise awareness of HopeLine19 as well as increasing understanding of PTSD and the ways in which it affects frontline staff.

The film begins with Vicky, a nurse who is phoning the next of kin of her patient to inform them he has lost his battle with Covid. But instead of cutting to the grieving family member, we then see how devastated Jenny is after delivering the news as she sobs alone in the hospital break room.

From there, the film brings to life the way people on the frontline, from ambulance workers to ICU doctors and nurses, suddenly find their minds replaying harrowing moments from work, even when they’re in the midst of calm domesticity.

It then invites a small gesture that could make a big difference, by phoning HopeLine19 to leave a message of gratitude, love or support. These will be moderated and then uploaded so that frontline workers can call and listen to kind words from the public when they feel discouraged or down.

Outdoor, print and radio will be used to ask members of the public to leave messages, while more targeted media in and around hospitals will be used to make frontline workers aware of the service when they need it most.

The phone number, 0808 19 665 19, can be used to both leave and listen to messages.

Claire Goodwin-Fee, Founder of Frontline19, said: “There is a looming mental health crisis among the people who have dealt with the very worst of the pandemic, and for whom it is far from over. We know that it is commonly around a year to 18 months after a trauma that PTSD can begin to surface, so it’s vital to raise awareness now of what Frontline19 is doing and ensure none of these incredible people feel alone or abandoned.”

Ant Nelson, Executive Creative Director at adam&eveDDB, said: “We’re humbled at what the doctors, nurses, emergency responders and thousands of other unsung heroes have achieved over the past 18 months. But while their actions may be heroic, they are human beings as vulnerable to mental health problems as the rest of us. Frontline19 has already done so much in such a short time, but we need to make sure their work can carry on and in turn help NHS workers get through this traumatic time.”


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