Annie Gallimore, MD at TBWA\London

Meet The MD

TBWA\London's Annie Gallimore On Strategically Leading Agency Ops

The former MD of ACNE UK, Deloitte Digital's creative agency, on what she brings to her new role

By Creative Salon

Annie Gallimore knows the agency scene across London as well as anyone. With stints on the leadership teams of Grey, ACNE, WCRS/Engine Group [now House 337] over the last 10+ years alone, she also prior served in a marketing capacity for over seven years at high-street book retailer Waterstones as its head of marketing.

And now, all that experience and insight are being brought to another of the UK's best-known agency brands - TBWA\London where she has joined the leadership team under CEO Larissa Vince to help oversee operations. That will include handling talent management and senior client relationships.

“Her leadership will be instrumental in supporting our growth and ensuring we continue to deliver exceptional and disruptive creative work for our clients. Also, she’s just simply lovely," states Vince in welcoming her new MD on board.

Here Gallimore outlines her vision in helping maintain momentum within the business while sharing her insights and experiences gained from over the years.

Creative Salon: Congratulations on your new role. How are you settling in?  

Annie Gallimore: Thank you very much! I am in week three and I am absolutely loving it! To be in amongst such creative talent is joyful. What a great bunch of people to be amongst. 

What are your top priorities for the agency as its new MD?

AG: TBWA\London is in such a great place. When Larissa and I first started talking about the role, it was clear that this was not going to be a ‘fix up job’. By that I mean the agency knows what it stands for, what works, and what doesn’t. And from the growth the agency has enjoyed over the last couple of years, it is clear my role is enhancing and building on that. Which is a very exciting place to be. So, how can we keep on focusing on the wins and the work? How can we maintain this momentum as we grow in size? How can we be fit for the future with our output, as well as our processes to get there? How can we keep building a diverse and happy team? These are all my priorities and I’m getting stuck in. 

What makes this agency different from any other you’ve worked at? 

AG: I have worked for great agencies and they all have one crucial thing in common; the people. And so far so good! In terms of difference, I am loving being in an agency which truly knows what it stands for, and there is that consistency across its global collective. Its confidence in that is tangible. And clearly clients also love it. 

 What’s that one skill the best account people you know have?

AG: Being strategic. That, I realise, sounds odd when you work alongside a team of strategists, but in order to create the best culture for the team, the best work, the best relationships with clients, you need to think strategically about how you run a piece of business. 

Tell us about one experience you’ve had across your career that makes you really proud.

AG: There are many in that I have worked on some fantastic brands, with some great clients, but my time working on Government work particularly stands out for me; answering complex behavioural change conundrums, with impactful, life changing, and in some cases life saving, work, is hugely rewarding. The partnership we struck up with so many great clients from all government departments was key and long-lasting. 

The marketer’s remit has become more complex over the last few years and agencies have had to evolve to keep up. So what does the new client-agency relationship look like?

AG: I would say fundamentally, it should not look too different. By that I mean clients will always need smart people, who care about their brand and business, and who are passionate about making great work that truly relates to their consumers and brings about positive change, whatever form that may take. However, it has never been more important to truly understand your clients’ business inside out. To be a true partner to your client, you have to be under the bonnet, understanding as much as you can of their business challenges, being hand in hand with them through the challenges, together. 

What still takes you by surprise in the industry?

AG: How resilient it is. So much change, so much upheaval, so much transformation, but fantastic ideas still shine through and that’s exactly as it should be. 

What future changes would you like to see in the industry?  

AG: For me there are two urgent ones:

  1. Our talent, and how key it is that we better represent the consumers and communities we are talking to and engaging with. We have made strides here, in the time I’ve been in the industry, but there is still a way to go. The IPA, and most specifically, the Talent and Leadership Group, work hard to move the dial but it has never been more important to double down on this, particularly when the gender pay gap, in favour of men, has increased from 15.2 per cent in 2023 to 19.7 per cent in 2024, and the ethnicity pay gap of is at 31 per cent, compared to the 21.6 per cent reported in 2023. (Reported by the IPA.)

  2. How we charge for ideas. This is a long-running debate, and obviously tied into pitching and how we ‘give ideas away for free’ at that stage of the process. But having seen how consultancies work, and charge their time and thinking, there is more work we can do to protect our ideas. 

And finally, what advice would you have for someone wanting to get into the industry? 

AG: For anyone looking to become an agency MD, my advice would be to be curious, immersing yourself in every aspect of the business, and finessing the ability to have a macro view, whilst getting to grips with the necessary detail. 

Passion and enthusiasm also go a long way; you need to love what you do and be willing to roll up your sleeves working alongside people through the good times and the more challenging. 

For me, my love for advertising all started with a love of communicating to people, whoever they may be, and what is it that is going to make them change their behaviour, minds and habits, so if that’s your passion, keep at it! 


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