robin williams birdcage

my creative life

Drag dressing , crying on the beach, and Rome: Sophie Cullinane's Creative Obsessions

Gravity Road's Creative Partner shares the references she returns to for endless inspiration

By Creative Salon

Film: The Birdcage

Robin Williams’s louche portrayal of Armande Goldberg - the owner of a deliciously decadent drag nightclub in South Miami Beach - is seared into my creation consciousness and has directly or indirectly affected every sartorial decision I’ve made since seeing it. Gianni Versace, gold chains nestling in a hairy chest and a wide-leg linen slack has, in my opinion, never looked so good. A silk robe over a cotton vest and a backless horseshoe lofa? Dead. It helps that the film makes me laugh so much as to make me actually catatonic.

Book: Giovanni’s Room

This book plugged the Call Me By Your Name shaped hole in my heart when I realised reading it for the fourth consecutive holiday in a row was a touch…unimaginative. The 1956 novel by James Baldwin focuses on the life of an American man living in Paris and his relationship with an Italian bartender called Giovanni. I like crying on a beach on holiday. It’s a hobby of mine. And this is a proper, full-pelt romantic tear jerker.

Art: Julien Drach Roma

Rome is my favourite place on the planet and Julien Drach’s Roma series captures the heady, swarthy heat of the place in a way that I find utterly irresistible.


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