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cannes lions 2024

Digital Craft Lions: Cannes 2024 Decoded

Edelman bags a Bronze Lion for its Dove 'Code My Crown' campaign

By Creative Salon

Edelman has won a Bronze Lion in the Digital Craft category at Cannes for its 'Code My Crown' campaign for Dove. In collaboration with Open Source Afro Hair Library, 'Code my Crown' is the world's first complete and free guide for coding textured hair and protective styles in video games. Created by Black artists and Edelman UK, the work acts as an instructional guide for coders and developers to code more diverse, true-to-life, depictions of Black hairstyles in 3D to ensure more representation in the virtual world of gaming.

Bristol-based digital studio Lusion also won a Bronze Lion for its launch campaign.

Mullenlowe Global was awarded with a Bronze for its global rebrand which was intended to challenge the way agencies show up in the world. According to the agency: "The new logo doesn’t live by the rules of logic. It breaks free from any type of symmetry and rigidity."

The Grand Prix for the Digital Craft category was won by FCB New York for its Spotify 'Spreadbeats' campaign - a first-of-its-kind music video made and distributed entirely in a media plan spreadsheet, partnering media proposals with the creative power of the streaming platform.

Overall, 18 Digital Craft Lions were awarded: one Grand Prix, three Gold, six Silver and eight Bronze.

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