My Creative Life
Fly Fishing, Classic FM and Fellow creators: What keeps Richard Denney Freshly Inspired
The Joint CCO at St. Luke's shares his creative inspiration
29 August 2023
Getting Classical
I’m constantly on the go and I find it hard to unwind. My mind races at 100 miles an hour. So always being on the hunt for opportunities or making stuff happen can be exhausting and means at times it’s hard for someone like me to focus.
So, when I’m in the car, on the train, or at home on my own, I listen to classical music. It helps me refocus, and it’s in this state of mind that new ideas are born and reflection on what’s needed for a project happens.
Don’t get me wrong, I love all music genres, but classical sends me to a quiet place. I have a few playlists, some to start the day and others to relax.
And on Classic FM you’ll find the incredible soundtracks to a lot of belting ads, and a fair few music tracks for Jonathan Glazer’s films and ads too. From Alexandre Desplat’s score for Jon’s mesmerising film Birth which has one of the most stunning openings to a film to the Requiem Opus. 48 Agnus Dei which was used to powerful effect on VW Protection. Just stunning.
Fellow Creators
There are so many great places to find inspiration on the internet, I love what people are creating and making right now. A lot of the creators I follow are from outside our industry, it’s worth noting; I admire the originality, fresh perspective, and pure entertainment value of what gets “likes” and racks up “views”.
But one Insta account that springs to mind and does come from two fellow creatives is HugoandDean offering stellar curation of all things cool. Two ace creative expats – formerly BBH and 72andSunny, and now freelance. Living and working out of New York and responsible for many great creative hits including Smirnoff, Playstation, and Lynx. They have an eye for detail and an appreciation for the real craft. From amazing directors, photographers, and illustrators to amazing musical talent - everything they post is right at the forefront of everything that is hot right now and they are usually there first. Go check them out!
Angling Times
Finally, my ultimate escape is to my passion outside of work. I feel it’s important to have something special beyond our day-to-day job. Although I’d say we’re lucky to have a job that allows us to come up with ideas, make ads and work with amazing talent from all disciplines of our creative industry. It’s fun, I learn every day and I feel lucky.
But it doesn’t mean it’s not exhausting and when I need space to refresh, reflect and re-energise I find solace in fishing.
Fly fishing, in particular, which I have been doing for the last 12 years or so is a great way to focus the mind on something completely different. And when I can’t get out on the lake I tie my own flies, a specialised interest, which I find particularly soothing. I find, when I’m concentrating on something so far away from the day-job, my mind is free, and I can find inspiration or answers to problems without thinking too hard about it.
I qualified to compete for England this year in Loch style fly fishing in a match taking place on the Lake of Menteith in Scotland later in the year. Of course, this comes with its own pressures, but I suppose I thrive on this to be at the top of my game.
Richard Denney is Joint Chief Creative Officer at St Luke's