Innovation Lions: Cannes 2021 Decoded
Unilever wins the Innovation Grand Prix Lion for its ‘Degree Inclusive’ campaign by Wunderman Thompson, Buenos Aires
24 June 2021
Grand Prix in this category has gone to Unilever's 'Degree Inclusive’, in collaboration with Wunderman Thompson, Buenos Aires-an innovative deodorant designed specifically for people with visual impairment and upper extremity impairment.
From 161 entries received in the Innovation Lions, which honour ground-breaking innovation, technology and problem solving, 5 Lions were awarded: 1 Silver, 3 Bronze.
Aline Santos, Chief Brand Officer and Chief Equity Diversity & Inclusion Officer at Unilever, on her instagram post says: "Extremely happy for the acknowledgement and also the possibility of inspiring other brands to adopt Inclusive Design in their product developments. Thanks so much to Wunderman Thompson, WPP and team Rexona/Sure/Degree. You rock."
A statement released by Mel Edwards, Global CEO, Wunderman Thompson adds: "I’m inspired by our cross-cultural teams and purpose-driven work for Unilever with Degree Inclusive and hope that others will be encouraged to follow suit like we’ve done with this innovative campaign. It's impactful work that sits at the heart of our business, and we’re proud to help drive the conversation around inclusivity and inspire change across the industry."
Area 23, an FCB Health Network Company from New York, won Silver for ‘Sick beats’ for Woojer. There were Bronzes for: Draftline, Bogota; Fahrenheit DDB, Lima; and Wunderman Thompson Bogota/Edina Energy Bucaramanga for Edina Energy.
Creative Salon asked Joakim Borgström, worldwide chief creative officer, BBH Group, and a juror in the category, for his views on emerging innovation trends, and the best ways in which to win an award in future.
What are the key trends that you identified in your category?
More than ever, brands are taking responsibility and stepping in to solve problems that humanity has created. Environmental issues were a big focus and there were lots of open source ideas: work that is genuinely helping where governments and the state aren’t, and making the future look brighter.
Muchas gracias, we saw a lot of great work from South America. It feels like there is a real drive and appetite for creativity there – whereas only a couple of the winners were made for English speaking markets.
What advice would you give to your clients if they want to win in this category next year?
Innovation is one of the few juries where shortlisted entrants give a presentation to the jury. With that in mind, I’d say that any clients looking to win this need an idea that they genuinely believe in. Some of the presentations were nothing short of magical, and those who were fully invested in their idea had the most convincing speeches.
Ask yourself, what is your intention and is it genuine? Is the idea extraordinary, and does it give extraordinary value to people’s lives?
And it’s even better if your work is proactively solving problems and tied to a famous brand so that it has the potential to do something for the world. Impact beats purpose in the Innovation Lions category.
If we really want to innovate, there is great untapped potential and opportunity to reboot HOW we tell our stories in the future. How about we reinvent our own industry?