work of the week
Work Of The Week
The best creative, curated
16 February 2023
Here's a look back at the campaigns that piqued our interest this week.
FCB Inferno, "Save The Sleeve", Kleenex
There's nothing worse than a dragging cold and a drippy nose. So rather than sneezing into your sleeve or wiping snot on your trousers, use a tissue.
To hammer this message home, FCB Inferno created the new ‘Save the Sleeve’ campaign for Kleenex Balsam tissues to remind how common the cold is and how much a tissue can work as a cushiony salvation.
MSQ/The Gate, "Less Malarky, More Smarty", Smarty
When did phone contracts get so complicated? To emphasise the absurdity of it all, MSQ and The Gate released a couple of spots to highlight how simple SIM-only mobile network, Smarty, owned by Hutchison 3G, is in comparison.
With its mission of bringing simplicity, transparency and trust to an industry often associated with complication and confusion, the campaign adverts are both funny and ridiculous, perfectly illustrating the brand's purpose.
AMV BBDO, "Even the Fussy Cats", Whiskas
It's true... cats are fussy eaters. Just when you think you've cracked their flavour, they'll turn their nose up unexpectedly and demand better. But this spot from AMV BBDO proves that Whiskas appeals to all in this clever spot presenting the whimsical world and mind of feline pets.
Combining live action and CGI, this campaign marries technique to showcase a fantastical setting yet perfectly relatable scenario.
New Commercial Arts, "It Pays To Quidco", Quidco
NCA has expanded its remit with Moneysupermarket Group; picking up the Quidco account and kicking off the relationship with a new campaign “It Pays To Quidco”.
Shot from the perspective of a doorbell camera, we watch a series of heroic posties deliver the icons of online shopping to your front door; not just delivering parcels, but cash-back too.
Accenture Song, "Outdated Translated", National Citizen Service
Accenture Song UK has created ‘Outdated Translated’, a new campaign for NCS (National Citizen Service) to upturn and reframe the often pervasive criticism faced by teens from wider society.
The campaign shows how young people engage with a wide range of passion points from gaming, to TikTok scrolling, to mental health advocacy - and that these should be respected, celebrated and nurtured, as they provide teens with the foundational skills and strengths essential as they transition into adult citizens.